By you touching points on their body that are associated with different organs or energy meridians and simultaneously muscle testing them with their other arm you can find areas of energy weakness in their body or acupuncture meridians.
Energy work muscle testing.
While our conscious mind is mostly oblivious to these energies we believe our subconscious minds profoundly affected by them.
Muscle testing is a holistic technique derived from the field of kinesiology in which muscles are monitored for a response to stimuli.
Your arm sinks immediately.
They tell you to put one arm out in front of you and then push down on your arm.
The sway test or standing test there are many ways to self muscle test or get answers from your subconscious mind to find out what impact something is having on your energy system either positive or negative.
Muscle testing can help you do that.
Muscle response testing can also find areas of energy weakness in the body.
Muscle testing is not 100 accurate however the use of muscle testing has aided me greatly in my work as an energy healer and also in finding answers to natural remedies to use.
Our premise is that the subconscious can lead the body to respond to or reinforce positive energy and to avoid or refuse negative energy.
Muscle testing also called energy testing or applied kinesiology is a way to get direct information from our bodies and energy systems.
For me this has been a marvelous skill and gift from god.
Energy healer and teacher donna eden calls it biofeedback without the gadgets.
I gradually learned how to test and gain reliable answers to our family s health questions.
Muscle testing is based on principles of biomagnetic energy.
I ve seen numerous alternative medicine providers perform something they call muscle testing or muscle energy testing many times as part of their sales pitch.